Whenever the solver needs a quote from Liquorice, it sends an RFQ to the system.
/// Chain ID, e.g for ArbitrumOne chainId = 42161
chainId: number;
/// UUID of the RFQ (Must be generated by caller)
rfqId: string;
/// RFQ expiry UNIX timestamp (seconds)
expiry: number,
/// 0x-prefixed base token address
baseToken: string;
/// 0x-prefixed quote token address
quoteToken: string;
/// 0x-prefixed address of the account receiving quoteToken
trader: string;
/// 0x-prefixed address of the account performing trade
effectiveTrader: string;
// (Exactly one of the following two fields will be present.)
/// Number with up to 18 decimal places, e.g. 100000000 (1 WBTC)
baseTokenAmount?: string;
/// Number with up to 18 decimal places
quoteTokenAmount?: string;
/// List of makers to be excluded from the RFQ processing
excludedMakers?: string[];
Exactly one of the baseTokenAmount or quoteTokenAmount fields must be present.
Having baseTokenAmount present equals to asking "How much ETH would I get if I pay 1000 USDC?"
and having quoteTokenAmount equals to asking "How much USDC do I need to pay to get 1 ETH?"
excludedMakers- obtain full list from the relevant API endpoint
/// UUID of the RFQ
rfqId: string,
/// Quote price levels
levels: [{
/// UUID of the maker RFQ from which this quote level was sourced
makerRfqId: string,
/// Name of the maker that provided this quote level
maker: string,
/// Hex-encoded 32-byte nonce
nonce: string,
/// Quote expiry UNIX timestamp (seconds)
expiry: number,
/// Transaction data
tx: {
/// 0x-prefixed address of the Liquorice settlement contract
to: string,
/// 0x-prefixed calldata string for the function within
/// Liquorice settlement contract
data: string
/// 0x-prefixed base token address
baseToken: string,
/// 0x-prefixed quote token address
quoteToken: string,
/// Number with up to 18 decimal places, e.g. 100000000 (1 WBTC)
baseTokenAmount: string,
/// Number with up to 18 decimal places
quoteTokenAmount: string,
/// Partial fill settings.
/// If this field is absent, it means that the order is not partially fillable
partialFill?: {
/// Offset of the curFillAmount argument within the tx.data (in bytes)
offset: number,
/// Number with up to 18 decimal places
/// Minimal base token amount that can be filled
minBaseTokenAmount: string
Levels array provides multiple price levels with different sizes.
Level 0 - 1 ETH / 3000 USDT
Level 1 - 0.5 ETH / 1502 USDT
Level 2 - 0.1 ETH / 310 USDT
IMPORTANT NOTE: normally it is assumed that solver will always pick one price level for execution. However it is techincally possible to use multiple price levels provided that they belong to different market makers. In order to use multiple price levels, make sure you pick quotes with different nonce as otherwise only one quote will pass execution.
3.1. Partial fills
Partial fills can be achieved by adjusting the curFillAmount argument in the tx.data. The quote level will contain partialFill.offset field which indicates how many bytes are in the tx.data before reaching curFillAmount.
Also note that partial fill amount can't be less than partialFill.minBaseTokenAmount
If partialFillis absent, then this level cannot be filled partially.
let calldata = tx.data.slice(0, 10 + partialFill.offset * 2) // Calldata up to offset. 2 is for `0x` prefix and 8 for the function selector.
+ fillAmount.toString(16).padStart(64, "0") // Replace with partial fill amount in hex, padded to 64 chars
+ tx.data.slice(10 + partialFillOffset * 2 + 64); // Remaining calldata after curFillAmount